Party Social

Buy More Credits

Level up your experience with additional credits to unlock an array of premium packs!

10 Credits
+5 Credits
90 Credits
+45 Credits
200 Credits
+100 Credits
600 Credits
+300 Credits
1400 Credits
+700 Credits
3000 Credits
+1500 Credits
1.5x Credits

Credits FAQ

What are Credits?

Credits are used to buy packs in the marketplace.

How do I get Credits?

You can buy credits with real money or earn them by selling Packs.

How do I sell Packs?

Go to the Create page and fill out the form. Remember, the better the Pack, the more likely it is to sell!

How do I buy Packs?

Find a pack you like in the Marketplace and click the "Buy" button on the Pack's page.

How do I play Packs?

Click the "Play" button in the top right corner of the screen, select a game, and choose the Pack you want to play.

Can I buy other things with Credits?

Not yet, but we're working on it!

Do I get more Credits with Pro?

Yes! You get 1.5x Credits with Pro.

What if I have more questions?

Join our Discord server and ask for help in the support channels.